Picture of me


This is my personal website. Here I share some of my thoughts, ideas, creations and other things.

Any opinion expressed here or in any of my social media posts are entirely my own.

Creative Commons License
Unless otherwise specified, all content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

SMoM – Mother

Let's talk about drawing

I love visual arts. I dream about a day when I will take some drawing and painting courses and start creating some art that really expresses my thoughts and feelings.

Unfortunately I am not there yet. I have no formal training whatsoever in visual arts but I really enjoy making sketches and even some more detailed works.

A while ago I started working on this series of drawings called "Short moments of melancholy" and started posting it on Twitter. Now, I decided to post them here as well.

This is the first drawing I would like to present, it is called "Mother".

Kandinsky – Part 2

Some progress!

As I mentioned in the past post, I started creating a new project to create an interactive artistic tool, to generate images that evoke Kandinsky's work.

It is not very sophisticated right now, but it is already producing some interesting results. Users can create, move and delete shapes, change the background color and produce multiple types of shapes.

But there is a catch: users can trigger changes, but they do not actually control *what* changes will actually occur, this is randomly generated by the code.

My idea here is to work with this metaphor of life. Even though we control some aspects of our lives, many others we don't. More reflections to come!

For now, head to the tool to try it out!

Kandinsky – Part 1

I might have an idea!

I love visual arts, paintings, sculpture, etc. So much so that I have a reproduction of a painting made by Wassily Kandinsky hanging on my bedroom's wall.

I find Kandinsky's work simply amazing. Everything feels so random and at the same time it doesn't. The shapes, the colors, the movement, just amazing.

So I am wondering whether I can leverage my skills to create something in homage to the work of this great painter. Something interactive.

Some years ago I made a first by creating a webpage which displaying randomly generated forms that kept changing randomly as well (in size and color).

Maybe I might rescue this idea. At least until I decide I want to draw and paint for real! More updates to come.

A useless post

This is a useless post

I don't have anything in particular to write today, but I am working on the stylesheets of this website and I need some more content to get a better feel.

I don't know what kinds of text I will want to write in the future, so I need different types and lengths of text.

Sure, I could use Lorem Ipsum, but it would be weird in a production scenario, maybe people wouldn't get that it would be on purpose.

Anyway, that's all, thanks for reading this useless post!


A small poem: Language

The structure's surface
reflects electromagnetic radiation
with a wavelength
between 450 and 495 nanometers.

The house is blue.

Looking at the old walls of our old home,
I found myself submerged
in those warm and sunny days
when I would run up the hill,
almost touching the sky.


Thought of the day

Just like aliens are aliens to us, we are aliens to aliens.


A small poem: Alabaster








